Shrek is Hate, Shrek is Death 2


>be me
>be 16
>i love shrek, i have a lot of merchandise and i watch his movies every night
>my sister wants to watch the old mlp movies
>i say no, and beat her up in the name of shrek
>she cries
>my parents are pissed at me
>they ground me for 6 months
>something climbs into my room through the window
>it's shrek
>he has 2 machine guns in his hands
>i'm so happy
>my sister enters the room
>shrek grabs my sister
>he throws her against the wall
>he picks her up again, and snaps her neck
>my parents walk in
>shrek shoots them to death
>i'm so happy
>shrek picks me up, places me up
>he pulls out his machine guns and shoots me to death
>my body is riddled with bullet holes
>blood splatters all over the room
>i die
>Shrek is Hate
>Shrek is Death
>Shrek is Drek